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Welcome to the LiveNutriFit

Please read these Terms of Service (the “Terms”) carefully because they govern your use of our App and Site and the nutritional information and services accessible via our App and website. To make these Terms easier to read, the Site and our platform and services and App are collectively called the “Services.”

Agreement to Terms

By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and by our Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy, do not use the Services.

LiveNutriFit reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time, in our sole discretion with or without prior notice. If we do make any changes, we’ll let you know either by posting the modified Terms on the Site or App or through other communication such as email. It’s important that you review the Terms whenever we modify them because if you continue to use the Services after we have posted modified Terms on the Site or App, you are indicating to us that you agree to be bound by the modified Terms. If you don’t agree to be bound by the modified Terms, then you can’t use the Services anymore. Because our Services are evolving over time we may change or discontinue all or any part of the Services, at any time and without notice, at our sole discretion.

Important Advisory

The use of the services, including the customised coaching programme, is reserved for people in good physical and psychological health. In the event of any doubt, users are recommended to consult their medical general practitioner / doctor BEFORE registering.

Users make use of the Site/App and services at their sole responsibility, whatever their state of health at the time they register, and throughout their use of the services.

LiveNutriFit’s medical liability may not therefore be incurred in any manner whatsoever.


Users shall undertake to guarantee and indemnify LiveNutriFit against any damage, complaint or claim coming from third parties concerning LiveNutriFit, their use of the Site/App and/or Services, the infringement of the General Conditions herein or the rights of other persons.


Users shall acknowledge and accept that: – Services are delivered as is, and are accessible according to availability. In this respect, LiveNutriFit provides no guarantee as to any interrupted functioning of the Site/App or Services. Notably, LiveNutriFit may not under any circumstances be held responsible for the following, included but not limited to:

  • The improper transmission and /or receipt of any data and/or information on the Internet,
  • The failure of any receiving equipment or communication lines,
  • Any loss of data,
  • Any routing problems
  • Any damage caused to users’ computers,
  • Any dysfunction in the Internet network or more generally any technical fault preventing the proper functioning of the Site/App and/or the proper running of the Services.
  • LiveNutriFit does not guarantee that its services will perfectly fulfil user’s requirements, or that any results obtained will be precise.

As LiveNutriFit is only bound by a best-endeavours obligation, it may be not held responsible if a user fails to achieve the anticipated results, including as regards weight loss.

Limitation of responsibility

You must not use the information provided on the Site/App to formulate a diagnosis, or determine a treatment or the taking of medication (and/or its suspension) without previously consulting a medical general practitioner / doctor or specialist.

The Site/App and services may under no circumstances replace a medical examination in the field of dietetics. The Site/App is merely a Site/App providing information on nutrition, exercise and diet. Under no circumstances may the information and services proposed in this Site/App be used to draw up a medical diagnosis concerning your weight or health. The information given in this Site/App can never replace an examination by a general practitioner, specialist or any other health professional.

Furthermore, the recommendations contained in the Site/App may not be suited to people who are following a particular diet prescribed by a doctor, in the context of a specific pathology.

You shall acknowledge that the information provided is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive, and that this information does not cover all the various symptoms, medicines and treatments appropriate to the pathologies or various daily aches and pains that may concern you. You shall accept that the use of the Site/App and Services takes place under your sole and entire responsibility, control and management.

Consequently, LiveNutriFit may not be held responsible:

  • for any direct or indirect damage of any kind resulting from the use or impossibility of using its Services.
  • for costs arising from the acquisition of substitute goods or services resulting from the use of the Services.
  • or any direct or indirect damage of any kind following a declaration by a third party on the Service.

The Site/App may contain images and links to webSite/App s managed by third parties (“Partner Site/App s”). LiveNutriFit has no control over Partner Site/App s and assumes no responsibility as to their content, nor the content of links shown in Partner Site/App s, or any modifications or updates made to a Partner Site/App . LiveNutriFit is not responsible for distribution via the Web or any other form of transmission received from a Partner Site/App , or even if the Partner Site/App (s) function badly. These links are only proposed to you by LiveNutriFit for your convenience, and the insertion of a link does not imply that LiveNutriFit approves of the content of said Partner Site/App s or that there is any association between LiveNutriFit and the operators of these Partner Site/App s. It shall be your responsibility to view any charters relating to the protection of privacy displayed on Partner Site/App s, and their conditions of use, and to comply with same.

Interactive services (forums, etc.)

All the provisions of the General Conditions herein shall apply to any participation in the interactive services available on the Site/App . It is therefore imperative to respect all the laws and regulations in force. In this respect, users shall be considered as solely responsible for the information, messages, images and generally speaking any content distributed via the interactive services of the Site/App , including the forum.

Users shall also accept that LiveNutriFit may take the initiative, without prior notification, to delete, in part or in whole, any content that it distributes or that is sent to it via the interactive services if this content could infringe the laws and regulations in force or flout accepted standards of behaviour or if it obviously and intentionally aims to harm the Site/App .

Any disputes must be indicated by means of a standard or registered letter and submitted to the competent department for processing. In this respect, users shall undertake to desist from distributing within the interactive services proposed any messages of an offensive, insulting, disparaging or degrading nature or which have no connection with the questions addressed.

Ownership rights

Users shall acknowledge and accept that the content of the Site/App and Services, including but not limited to texts, software, music, sounds, photographs, videos, drawings and other material contained in the Site/App and/or Services and/or in any communication addressed by LiveNutriFit to the users are protected by intellectual property rights, brand rights, patent rights and any other right recognised by the laws in force. Users are not authorised to copy, use, reproduce, distribute or create works derived from the content of LiveNutriFit’s services (or any LiveNutriFit official webSite/App from other countries)

Users may formulate comments concerning the Site/App and/or Services. The content of any feedback sent to LiveNutriFit shall be considered non-confidential and free of all rights. LiveNutriFit may freely use the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in these communications for information, without restriction, for reproducing and disclosing any information to third parties.
