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मशरूम और टमाटर सैंडविच

Meal Time Meal Type Cuisine Breakfast Veg North Indian Ingredients 1 tsp Oil 1/4 cup sliced Onions 1/2 cup sliced Tomatoes 1/4 cups sliced fresh Mushrooms (Khumbh) 1/2 tsp chopped Green Chilli Salt to taste 2 slices toasted Whole Wheat Bread Preparations Heat the oil...

अंकुरित मूंग दाल चीला

Meal Time Meal Type Cuisine Breakfast Veg North Indian Ingredients 1/4 cup Moong (Whole Green Gram) boiled Sprouts 2 tbsp grated Carrot 1/4 cup finely chopped and boiled Spinach (Palak) 1/4 cup finely chopped Fenugreek (Methi), 1 tbsp Besan (Bengal Gram Flour) 1/2 tsp...

Carrot & Green Pea Sandwich

Meal Time Meal Type Cuisine Breakfast Veg North Indian Ingredients 1/4 cup grated Carrot 1/4 cup boiled and coarsely mashed Green Peas 2 slices toasted Whole Wheat Bread 1 tsp Oil 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds (Jeera) 1/4 tsp finely chopped Green Chillies 2 tbsp grated Paneer...

सोया उपमा

Meal Time Meal Type Cuisine Breakfast Veg+Egg South Indian Ingredients 1/4 cup Soya Granules 1 tsp Cumin Seeds (Jeera) 1 tsp Chana Dal 1/4 tsp Ginger-Green Chilli Paste 1/4 cup finely chopped Onions 1/4 cup grated Carrot 1 tbsp Lemon Juice Salt to taste Preparations...

अंडा डोसा

Meal Time Meal Type Cuisine Breakfast Veg+Egg South Indian Ingredients 1 cup Oats & Dal Dosa Batter 2 Egg Whites ½ cup Sliced Tomatoes 1 tsp sliced Green Chilli 1/2 cup sliced Onion 1 tsp Red Chilli / Pepper Powder 1 tsp Oil Preparations Heat the non stick frying...